Our Mission

Community Cooperation Wales (CIC) is a Community Interest Company formed by the local community to work and support our mission, individuals, families, local communities and third sector organisations to liaise, design, consult and deliver personalised services, enabling individual choice and control to achieve and fulfil active lives.
Our mission starts with empowering the community to identify and tackle perceived problems, while learning new skills, attitudes and behaviours to improve employability, social inclusion, equality and reduce problems caused by the pandemic, loneliness, isolation and exclusion.
By improving the well-being of the community we hope to cement community cohesion, improve the lives and opportunities of the economically disadvantaged and minority groups that suffer exclusion, discrimination and inequality, we believe by empowering the community to improve confidence/self-esteem and improve quality of life is necessary to healthy social and economical growth as well as encouraging active citizenship. Our mission is your mission, we want to hear what and how you can help your community.

Below are our values:
- To put our local community first
- To be transparent in what we do
- Improve the lives of the individual
- Improve community inclusion and positive growth
- To be creative and innovative
- To be adaptable and sustainable
- Provide a safe space for personal and professional growth
- Address inequalities within the local community
- Encourage social, economical and cultural growth
We are a value-based organisation and we believe our values make a positive contribution to people’s lives and lifestyles.