Community Cooperation Wales-CIC will engage with the local communities in order to help to increase their knowledge, skills and wellbeing by improving communication, engagement and participation so that all may benefit.
The themes that we promote are: employability skills, health and wellbeing, raising awareness of the environment and its sustainability are at the forefront of what we do. Company’s activities such as targeting and helping the local communities including the social exclusion target groups.
Our services and support will specifically address social exclusion, LGBTIQ, ethnicity, disabled, unemployed, and disadvantaged, to enable them to take an active part in civil society.

About Community Cooperation Wales - CIC

Community volunteer's working for the community
Our volunteers engage with the community to empower individuals to make a difference and tackle challenges and issues highlighted by members of the community. Our volunteers improve well-being and community participation to create a stronger sense of community and inclusion. Make a difference in your community today.
Community Cooperation Wales Projects
All our projects aim to improve the lives and experiences of the local community, and empower people to help themselves. Our projects focus on social inclusion, support and well-being for the disadvantaged, environmental issues locally and internationally as well as address social exclusion of LGBT, ethnicity, disabled, unemployed and economically disadvantaged.
Who we help and how.
We offer support to those in need and a platform to make real change within the community. We want to empower our local community to change what matters to them. We will work with members of the local community, with a particular focus on those people in the BME group, ex-service person, asylum seekers, refugees, and people with fewer opportunities.
Community Cooperation Wales Mission
Our Mission statement is to engage with communities in order to increase their knowledge, skills and wellbeing by improving communication, engagement and participation so that all may benefit. We hope to create a hub for the community to address local problems, learn good practises, improve the lives and experiences of the community and encourage active citizenship.
Get in Touch with Community Cooperation Wales
Our Address:
5-7 Museum Place,
CF10 3BD

Contact us:
Phone: 02920 198710
Email address: