About Us

Our CIC is a newly established Cardiff based community interest company aiming to tackle local community issues that matter to the community. We will use our network of focus groups, social groups and local council/authorities to identify barriers to healthy social growth and inclusion to exact change.
We are a registered CIC centrally located in the heart of the Capital, working to improve the quality of life and experiences of local people as well as improve sustainability and the local environment.
Our registered company CIC number is – 13843679
Our network comprises of highly experienced consultants, tutors, NGO’s, charities and social groups, with extensive knowledge of a wide range of industries, this aids our understanding and development of challenges we undertake.
We will use a number of channels to engage with communities in order to increase their knowledge, skills and wellbeing by improving communication, engagement and participation so that all may benefit. The environment and sustainability are at the forefront of what we do. Company’s activities target the local community, social
exclusion and offer support and wellbeing to the disadvantaged. Our services and support will specifically address social exclusion, LGBTIQ, ethnicity, disabled, unemployed, and disadvantaged, to enable them to take an active part in civil society.

Our network of highly experienced consultants, NGO’s, charities and focus groups have added in-valuable support, experience and advise on numerous social initiatives our team have been engaged with, such as;
- 1. National lottery Community fund – Covid-19 awareness in Wales to tackle mis/disinformation and share good practises regarding Covid-19 safety measures.
- 2. Erasmus+ funded – Yes Project (Youth engagement in society) to encourage social inclusion and improve basic competencies for disadvantaged youth to gain employment.
- 3. Erasmus+ funded – Mental & emotional wellbeing – to raise awareness of good practises regarding mental & emotional wellbeing and ways to manage it.
- 4. Erasmus+ funded –RAINBO project – to address social inequalities and social exclusion of LGBTQI+ community and professionals working with the community highlighted by the ongoing pandemic.
- 5. Erasmus+ funded – E2MP (Electronic platform 2 Manage Project) The project was created to address the lack of project management skills among managers working with youth and especially with young people with fewer opportunities.
- 6. Erasmus+ funded – COPE Connection opportunities for people in Europe – (complementary with E2MP project). While E2MP trains the youth managers, COPE will train youth directly, both projects target directly or indirectly young people with fewer opportunities.